

Saturday 7 October 2017

Sad Urdu Punjabi Poetry 2018 by kashif baloch/ Man lokan nu dasdi pai he

It is never simple for a family to go through an awful misfortune, however, it doesn't get simpler as they get more established, yet gets simpler when you can return to having family time and cheerful occasions. 

A few things I need to escape my brain are the trouble I have for my mom. I love and miss her. She has passed the last phase of living and I need to bid farewell to her since I realize I will not see her again and I won't get her to comprehend that I was dismal when she passed. 

I additionally need to say that it causes me to feel tragic that my child never knew her. We never at any point got him to discuss her. We attempted, yet he would say nothing and we would ask what she resembled and afterward, he would say her name. We disclosed to him that when he grew up, on the off chance that he knew her or adored her, he could advise us. We disclosed to him we would converse with his mother and grandmother about it and inquire as to whether she was a decent mother. 

At the point when our children requested to converse with their mother, I needed to advise them no because mother was in paradise. So they returned to adoring her and wishing her a cheerful birthday. 

We likewise struggled at the graveyard bidding farewell and watching her tombstone gets painted, tidied, and set up. So the bitterness won't disappear with time. What's more, for reasons unknown, the tears never please my own. I do feel tragic for the misery my children are going through, so I generally send them cheerful musings, trusting that she can hear us and realize we love her. 

We additionally had the chance to converse with our niece who was with her mother when her mother passed on. We discussed mother and our children became acquainted with additional about mother. 

We think about our mother and how dismal she would be that we are bidding farewell to her for some time. What's more, we likewise get tragic for the misery our mother feels as she is being isolated from our children. 

The children continue to attempt to remove the mother's telephone from her when she attempts to call. They don't comprehend that she is dismal and befuddled and doesn't have the foggiest idea of what to say. 

A day or two ago, I said to the children "mother is in the sky with your grandmother. So when your mother calls, would you be able to reveal to her that I miss her and love her?" 

We consider the mother and how tragic she realizes that we are all together going through such a lot of this moment. She is so glad for us and is tragic to imagine that we are going through the trouble that she and her mother went through. 

We consider the mother and how glad we are that our children have a decent mother and that we as a whole realize we love one another and are there for one another. 

We consider the mother and how miserable she would be at the point at which she understood she wouldn't have the option to take our children in and be their mother. We don't have a clue what else mother would say to them to make it simpler for them, yet we realize she would have attempted and that is the thing that mother would do. 

At the point when a mother is gone, I figure she would be glad that her children are cheerful and that we realize she cherished us and her grandchildren. 

Our hearts and love are in our mother and her family. So when we talk about her and talk about her family and how we miss them, we feel pitiful that we are tragic for them. 

We love mother and we wish she could be here and that we didn't need to bid farewell.

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